Pagespeed Lazy Load with Base64 plugin encode small images by preserving SEO and lazy load feature display images only when the user reaches particular section.

A plugin to base64 encode and lazy loading of your website images.Base64 helps to encode smaller images of your pages and post with options to include larger size images by adding open graph tag in-order to preserve SEO.
Lazy loading of images is a feature where the original image is not shown till the location of the image is reached. By default thumbnail images are shown. Images which are not required to be lazy loaded can be excluded from the list.

1. Lazy Load with Base64 for Pagespeed online Plugin helps to encode smaller images.
2. The other great feature of this plugin is lazy loading of images.
3. This plugin helps to optimize the loadtime of a Wordpress site.
4. Lazy loading a webpage reduces page weight, allowing for a quicker page load time.
5. Lazy loading conserves bandwidth by delivering content to users only if it’s requested.

Requires at least: 4.9
Tested up to: 5.4
Requires PHP: 5.2



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Lazy Load with Base64 for Pagespeed online plugin helps to encode the smaller size images to reduce site load time.

Yes, Lazy Load with Base64 for Pagespeed online plugins is safe to use in all kinds of a WordPress site.

Basically, Lazy Load with Base64 for Pagespeed online plugin encodes images of size less than 5kb and uses open graph tags to make the images crawled by the search engine and lazy load features make the image to load only when user reaches particular section.

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Extension details

Contributors:Shivi66, Hansoftech, Pagespeedonline
Tags:encoding, lazy load, base64, image optimization, thumbnail
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Requires at least:4.9
Tested up to:5.4
Requires PHP:5.2
License:GPLv2 or later
License URI: